TegelaskujuOsatäitjaBenjamin Miles Franklin
Benjamin Miles Franklin
NIMI: Benjamin Miles Franklin
KURITEGU: Possession of Stolen Goods, Escape from a Federal Incarceration Facility
KARISTUS: 8 aastat
TINGIMISI VÄLJA: 3 aasta, 2 kuu pärast
MÄRKUSED: After being dishonorably discharged from the United States Army, Miles returned home to learn that his war record was now a major blemish on his resume. Needing to provide for his wife and daughter, Miles secretly took a job transporting stolen goods and was apprehended by local police. Unwilling to cut a deal and give up the identities of his associates, Franklin was sentenced to Fox River.After escaping Fox River, C-Note attempted to board a train without purchasing a ticket. He jumped off the train and into a river, where he then fled to Utah. It has also been logged that he attempted to make contact with his wife and child at this time –in order to arrange a rendezvous point with them.C-Note was part of the group of escaped inmates who took over Jeanette Owens’ home in Tooele Utah. After his unsuccessful attempt at trying to procure the money, he reached out to his brother in law and former associates, who helped him grab his wife Kacee, and daughter Dede before they were taken into FBI custody. Kacee was subsequently arrested for aiding and abetting a convict in Harvey, North Dakota. C-Note remains on the run with his daughter, who has a rare illness.
LISA: Inmate has logged visits with his friend and brother-in-law Darius Morgan.